Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Starting Your CD or DVD Project in Photoshop

It doesn't matter if you're designing a CD manufacturing, CD duplication, DVD manufacturing or DVD duplication project - you're in the realm of commercial printing, and that's different than designing for the internet.

When clients are using Photoshop for commercial printing, two of the most common problems that we face are (A) low-resolution artwork, and (B) incorrect colour mode.
  • Internet colour mode: RGB
  • Typical commercial printing colour mode: CMYK
  • Typical internet resolution: 72 dpi (or ppi)
  • Typical commercial printing resolution: 300 dpi (or ppi)
Whether you are importing or opening a file in Photoshop, or you are opening a new page to begin designing from scratch, you need to set your design page properties appropriately.

When you import/open or begin a new design from scratch the "New" design page dialogue window (as shown above, or similar to) should appear first.

The name, width and height of your page properties can be left up to you as it will depend on which particular item you're designing, but make sure the resolution is set to 300 pixels/inch and the colour mode is CMYK.

In the event the "New" dialogue window does not present iteself, you can still edit the settings by going to the top of your screen and selecting the following:
  • Image > Mode > "CMYK"
  • Image > Image Size > 300 pixels/inch
This should get you started with your design on the right footing!

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Choose Precision Disc Manufacturing Corp. for factory-direct DVD CD manufacturing and DVD CD duplication services complete with a full line of eco-friendly print and packaging solutions.

Make A Good First Impression with Your CD Manufacturing Project

Image isn’t everything - but while it might not be ‘everything’ it certainly can be one of the most important factors in making a good first impression. And that includes the image of your CD manufacturing project.

Just like showing up for a job interview with a black eye or tattered clothes, if your CD manufacturing project doesn’t look presentable it will immediately cast doubt on the quality of what lies within it – so in the case of your CD packaging, what lies within it is your music.

When it comes to visual impression, the type of physical packaging (ie: jewel case, eco-sleeve, digipak, etc.) is actually far less important than the overall quality and visual effect of the graphic design. The design is intended to evoke thought, emotion, interest and curiosity, and should compliment the music that is contained within on the CD. Again, think of it the same way as going to a job interview: What's on the outside gets seen and judged long before the what's on the 'inside' gets any consideration.

Of course there’s no crime in having a tight budget but it’s in your best interest not to make your CD project appear to have been produced on a tight budget… it you get what I’m meaning.

Eye-catching and effective graphic design doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive and, often times, simple designs using the ‘less is more’ principle are the most appealing and memorable. As an example of this, take note of the cover image for "Drive She Said" (photo/design credit: Jared Robinson at Nebulus Entertainment).

So again, while image may not be ‘everything’ don’t devalue your music with a graphic design you can’t be proud of. Spend a little time thinking about what would suit your music and what is within your abilities (or budget) and then go to it!

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Precision Disc Manufacturing Corp. provides factory-direct CD manufacturing and CD duplication with eco-friendly print and packaging solutions from their location in Surrey, B.C. (a suburb of Vancouver), and ship daily to clients throughout the U.S. and Canada.